By Mary Kingsley
ISBN-10: 0141963166
ISBN-13: 9780141963167
Contemptuous of Europe's 'civilising mission' in Africa, Mary Kingsley's (1862-1900) notable trips via tropical west Africa are a awesome list, either one of an international which has vanished and of a author and explorer of large bravery, wit and humanity. Paddling via mangrove swamps, heading off crocodiles, hiking Mount Cameroon, Kingsley is either admirable and humorous. "Great Journeys" permits readers to commute either round the planet and again in the course of the centuries - but in addition again into principles and worlds scary, ruthless and harsh in several methods from our personal.
Few analyzing reviews can start to fit that of attractive with writers who observed mind-blowing issues: nice civilizations, partitions of ice, violent and implacable jungles, deserts and mountains, multitudes of birds and plant life new to technology. studying those books is to determine the realm afresh, to rediscover a time while many cultures have been relatively unusual to one another, the place legends and tales have been handled as evidence and during which loads was once nonetheless to be came across.
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Example text
But if in the two foresaide moneths the riuer encreaseth not according to the woonted manner, their haruest is then nothing woorth. Cattell are very scarce among them. Not farre from the sea side they haue a temple, which they greatly esteeme and honour. Out of which, Historiographers say, that the same prophet, of whom their great Mahumet foretold, shoulde proceed. Yea, some there are which sticke not to affirme, that the prophet lonas was cast foorth by the whale vpon the shoare of Messa, when as he was sent to preach vnto the Niniuites.
The passage or way vnto this citie is very narrow, lying onely vpon one side of the hill. And it is so hard and difficult, that horses cannot without great labour and perill the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 243 goe vpon it. The inhabitants are most valiant people and wel exercised in armes, maintaining continuall warre against the Arabians, and that for the most part with very prosperous successe, by reason of the naturall and strong situation of the towne. A more liberall people then this, you shall hardly find.
Howbeit when the countrey thereabout was in flourishing estate, the inhabitants payed yeerely vnto the Prince for tribute 100000. ducates: and then this towne contained aboue sixe thousand families. Trauelling that way I was most friendly entertained by a certaine Arabian, and had good experience of the peoples liberality : sauing that I heard of some, that they were most trecherous and deceitfully Of the castle of Imegiagen. T ' H e castle of Imegiagen is built vpon the top of a 1 certaine hil of Atlas, being so fortified by naturall situation, that it neither hath nor needeth any wall.
The Congo and the Cameroons (Penguin Great Journeys) by Mary Kingsley
by George