By Titus Livy
ISBN-10: 0140448098
ISBN-13: 9780140448092
With stylistic brilliance and old mind's eye, the 1st 5 books of Livy's huge historical past of Rome checklist occasions from the basis of Rome throughout the heritage of the seven kings, the institution of the Republic and its inner struggles, as much as Rome's restoration after the fierce Gallic invasion of the fourth century B.C. Livy vividly depicts the good characters, legends, and stories, together with the tale of Romulus and Remus. Reprinting Robert Ogilvie's lucid 1971 advent, this very hot version now boasts a brand new preface, reading the textual content in gentle of modern Livy scholarship, informative maps, bibliography, and an index.
Translated by way of Aubrey de Selincourt with an advent by way of Robert Ogilvie.
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Sample text
The next moment Stefan bounded out of the shower as if he had been scalded. His l ong hair was sticking to his face and he brushed i t aside with a frightened gesture. H e regarded her for a moment, bewil dered. He appeared not to have understood . Then he sprang out of the bathroom j ust as he was and took her in his arms. That face so cool and wet seemed to Ioana to be bathed in tears. Half-consciously she l istened to the water runn ing in the shower . . "* " Iancu Anti m , " Ioana answered readily.
Biris looked a t Stefan a long time quizzically. "You're a strange man , " he sai d . Just then they heard someone kick the door repeatedly and Biris jumped up to open it. There in the entrance stood an old woma n , poorly clad, with a kitchen apron over her faded cal ico dress and worn woolen slippers on her feet. She had brought a tray of sweets and coffee. "Allow me to present you to my aunt, doamna Porumbache , " sa id Biris solemnly, taking the tray. Stefa n went to her and kissed her hand politely.
O n e evening they were returning from a performance of Miss Julie" a t the National Theater. She had been l istening to him d iscuss the play d uring the intermission a nd on the way home she had said to h i m , "I never thought that Miss Julie could be expl a i ned by the magic of the N ight of St. Joh n . You never talk to me about these things . " He had put h is arm around her waist. " I l ove you , " h e told her. " We l ove each other. " S h e knew what h e m ea n t: he th inks that if we talk about Miss Julie I will remember Partenie.
The Early History of Rome, Books I-V of The History of Rome from Its Foundations by Titus Livy
by Christopher