By Arthur Plotnik
ISBN-10: 1936740249
ISBN-13: 9781936740246
Greater than ever during this thoroughly up to date variation, The parts of Expression is helping observe clients "light up the cosmos or the written web page or the face around the table" as they search the radiance of expressiveness—the vibrant expression of concepts, emotions, and observations.
Nothing kills radiance just like the murky, well-known language dominating today's speak, airwaves, and posts. It tugs at our each sentence, yet utilizing it to specific something past the standard is like flapping the tongue to flee gravity. The components of Expression deals an adventurous and encouraging flight into phrases that actually proportion what's percolating in our minds. right here writers, presenters, scholars, bloggers—even good intentioned "Mad Men"—will realize language to express specific emotions, flow audiences, pride and persuade.
No snob or scold, the acclaimed word-maven Arthur Plotnik explores the complete variety of expressiveness, from playful "tough talk" to finely wrought literature, with hundreds of thousands of rousing examples. Confessing that we're all "like a squid in its ink" whilst first groping for luminous expression, he shines his amiable wit at the components major, eventually, to language of "fissionable intensity."
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Extra info for The Elements of Expression: Putting Thoughts into Words (2nd Edition)
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Casing has been the normal method of edition-binding for more than a hundred and fifty years; and although the result, which is a ready-to-wear not a tailored job, cannot compare with binding for durability, it is perfectly adequate for cloth-bound books. Today, indeed, casing is so much taken for granted that the words bound and binding – as in ‘cloth-bound’ or ‘publisher’s binding’ – are used without regard to the important technical distinction between the two methods. It is also used for covering books in leather.
In default of external evidence (such as the prosecution of author or publisher for issuing words removed by cancellation), it is usually impossible to tell whether the process of cancelling a leaf or leaves was carried out before or after the book was published. ) But in either case the earlier, uncorrected form of the passage will be of interest; and it may be of great interest if the correction was not merely a verbal or grammatical one, but represented a change of thought, an addition or (as often) a suppression by the author.
Eliot or Edmund Wilson – or, if that has proved elusive, from the DNB, DAB, Cambridge History of English Literature, BAL, PMM or even the Encyclopaedia Britannica. For modern books, words found on the jacket may suffice. g. ‘Macaulay is reputed to have read all four volumes of this book at a sitting’, or ‘General Burgoyne said he would rather have written this poem than capture New York’. Type (ii) is probably the commonest, and it varies widely with the character (and prose style) of the cataloguer.
The Elements of Expression: Putting Thoughts into Words (2nd Edition) by Arthur Plotnik
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