Download e-book for kindle: The Ins and Outs of Prepositions: A Guide Book for ESL by Jean Yates

By Jean Yates

ISBN-10: 0764107577

ISBN-13: 9780764107573

Notwithstanding written essentially for college students of English as a moment Language, the bits and bobs of Prepositions can also be important in remedial English classes on highschool and faculty freshman degrees. in contrast to such a lot languages - which generally have just a couple of prepositions to serve many alternative communique wishes- English has dozen of them and virtually none follows any transparent, constant algorithm. This ebook deals useful instructions for proper utilization, and offers 1000s of examples that include all the prepositions into widespread contexts. a complete of sixty one prepositions are tested.

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Pattern: verb + noun + on + noun The child pasted the picture on the page. Typical verbs: glue, hold, paste, stick 6 On indicates location in a part of an area. Pattern: be + on + the + noun + of + noun The porch is on the side of the house. Typical nouns after on the: border, bottom, edge, end, exterior, inside, interior, left, outside, outskirts, first/second (or other number) page, right, side, surface, top < Prev I l@ve RuBoard Next > Page 97 43— Onto 1 Onto indicates movement from one position to another one.

She always walks up the steps to the fifth floor. Typical verbs used before up: climb, creep, go, jump, move, pop, race, run, walk Pattern 2: verb + noun + up + noun Bring the box up the steps. Typical verbs used with this pattern: bring, carry, drag, heave, move, send, take 2 Up (adverb) indicates location at a high place. 47 48 Pattern: be + up The balloon is up. Expression: to be up—to be awake I am up every day by eight o'clock. 3 Up indicates location further along the way. Pattern: verb + up + noun Their farm is three miles up the road.

She lives on the fourth floor. She lives at 1260 Oak Street. at home—in one's own house at work—at one's job at school—attending school at church—attending church services —a room, an area of a room —an outside area —a work area inside She is in the kitchen, in the corner. He is standing on the corner. She is at the kitchen sink. Our theater seats are in the balcony. He has an outdoor grill on the balcony. —a comfortable chair —a straight chair, a sofa, a couch He sat in the chair and watched television.

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The Ins and Outs of Prepositions: A Guide Book for ESL Students by Jean Yates

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