The Life of the Icelander Jón Ólafsson, Traveller to India by Bertha S. Fillpotts (ed.) PDF

By Bertha S. Fillpotts (ed.)

ISBN-10: 1409416593

ISBN-13: 9781409416593

Translated from the Icelandic variation of Sigfus Blondal and edited via the translator. the quantity covers his lifestyles and travels, 1593-1622, in Iceland, England, Denmark, White Sea, Faroes, Spitzbergen, Norway. persevered, with new editors, in moment sequence sixty eight. it is a new print-on-demand hardback version of the amount first released in 1923. as a result of technical constraints it has no longer been attainable to breed Wije's View of Copenhagen in 1611 which seemed within the first variation of the paintings.

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And he is no doubt stating no more than the truth in claiming that the minister Sveinn Simonarson was his maternal great-uncle's step-daughter's husband 5. 1 Norshe Rigsregistranter, vi, p. 41. 2 Kj0benhavns Diplomatarium, I, p. 614. 3 Since publishing his own edition Mr Blondal has consulted Professor Finnur Jonsson and other scholars on this question. 4 A Pe"tur Triielsson is known as Governor of Iceland in 1495; and a Pe"tur Klausson in 1497. 5 For the sake of clearness a genealogical table is given at the end of this Introduction.

My dear mother suffered great apprehen­ sions on my behalf, especially with regard to rivers; and she and many others declared that it would fall to my lot to travel across the waters, and she prayed God continually to have me in His keeping, the which prayer of hers God our merciful Father has heard and graciously answered. Praise be to His holy name to all eternity! Amen. In the winter of 1615, in my twenty-second year, I nar­ rowly escaped death, being precipitated down the slopes of DvergasteinshliS 5 , for I struck the ground more than forty times in my fall, and on each occasion fell on my back.

15. 4 See map. 12 THE LIFE men lived, and the folk that dwelt nearest thought it must be the howling of some strange beast. This befell early in August. At that time, in the year 1604, Sir Jon Grimsson lived at Svarfholl in AlftafjorS 1. He was the parish priest for Ogur and Eyri 2 , and when he heard of this, he sent out all over the district to every farm, to every tenant and land­ owner, a written message with this purport, that every one of them should come to his house with all speed, weapon in hand, at once that very day, and there consider in his presence and with his advice how they should bear themselves in the above-mentioned matter.

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The Life of the Icelander Jón Ólafsson, Traveller to India by Bertha S. Fillpotts (ed.)

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