Louisa Sakka's The power of music. A comparative study of literature and PDF

By Louisa Sakka

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249 On the other hand there are professionals who provide official routine services without needing any special talent, and usually have a lower status than the talented performers. In Athens there are the auletes of the archons and the auletes of the boule, as well as salpingtae with civil duties. 250 There are also mourners and auletae that can be hired for various public or private events, as weddings and funerals. 251 Professionals seem to be hired all the more often to entertain the guests.

138 In some of the paintings both a lyra, which Thamyris is playing or going to play, and a book roll held by a Muse, are depicted. 4 Marsyas: the debate between the aulos and the lyra Another mythological contest is that between Apollo and Marsyas, who finds the aulos Athena has thrown away, since it disfigures her face. Marsyas is defeated by the lyraplaying Apollo and punished (Fig. 140 In the vase paintings there is most often the representation of the contest (Fig. 141 According to Voutira, this myth reflects the debate that is going on at the time, concerning the ethical superiority of the lyra in comparison to the aulos.

150 Plato, Laws 654b. 151 Plato, Laws 795d6-e1. 146 29 aim of each part of it. In the Laws Plato has the same opinion as in the Republic,152 that education has two branches: gymnastics for the care of the body, and music for the care of the soul. 154 It is apparent that Plato is not very consistent in the division of music, dancing, and gymnastics, neither on what their aims are. The author then presents a detailed educational program, starting from birth until the age of sixteen. Babies should be treated in a way that does not make them too comfortable but neither hateful by being exposed to sorrows too early.

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The power of music. A comparative study of literature and vase paintings from Classical Athens. Master’s thesis. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Uppsala. by Louisa Sakka

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