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By Nita Berry Illustrated by B.G. Varma

ISBN-10: 8170118913

ISBN-13: 9788170118916

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He fixed one end of a string to the branch of a big tree in his garden. He hung an iron weight from its other end. He now pulled the string back and released it. He had made a simple pendulum, like the lantern in the church. He next replaced the iron weight with a much lighter wooden one. This too took the same amount of time to swing to and fro, in a regular motion. Galileo thought hard. His experiment confirmed that the time taken for one swing remained the same, regardless of the weight attached.

Today, if you want to boil an egg for three minutes and you have an egg-timer or threeminute sandglass, you cannot really go wrong. Start the sand 'clock' as soon as you have dropped the egg into boiling water on the fire. When the sand has run through from one glass vessel to the other, the egg is hardboiled. But if you are impatient and do not wait for the sand to run right through, you will have to eat a rather 'gooey' egg. If, on the other hand, the egg keeps boiling after the sandglass has run through, you will have to chew a very hard-boiled egg indeed!

If you are good at maths, you can figure out yourself when leap years are coming. Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year. Remember, there should be no remainders. However, there is one exception. If you are looking at the years at the turn of the century, like 1900 or 2000, they must be divisible by both four and 400 to be leap years. D. D. was not. Nature's third time division was drawn up 30 by a thorough study of the movements of the moon, that shiny, white disc in the sky that does not stick to one shape.

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The Story of Time by Nita Berry Illustrated by B.G. Varma

by Kenneth

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