Download PDF by Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette: The turks of Central Asia in the history and at the present

By Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette

An Ethnological Inquiry into the Pan-Turanian challenge, and Bibliographical fabric with regards to the Early Turks and the current Turks of vital Asia

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Pp. 264-5. IN H I S T O R Y A N D A T P R E S E N T D A Y 33 others form a chorus. The feathered thread is the road by which the song rises to the sky. The meat which has been prepared on the ‘ senior fire ’ is taken out and carried round in a circle, in the direction of the sun. After that the meat, with all the articles used in its preparation, is burnt on the ‘ senior fire and if the smoke goes straight to the sky it is a good omen for the clan. Then only is the meat which was prepared on the ‘junior fire’ ceremonially eaten, after which all the bones and remains of the feast have to be burnt on the ‘ senior fire ’-1 Ethnography.

Irgit, Soyan, Kirghis, Kaizak, Koeluk, Uigur, &c. The Uriankhai living in the steppe country are mostly cattle-breeders ; some of them, however, depend chiefly on hunting and fishing. It is only in this region that we find the breeding of horse, yak, and reindeer for 1 Radloff, ‘ Die Jakutische S p rach e’, Bull. I . A . S . , 190З, pp. 54-6. For opposite opinion see I. P. Silinich, ‘ On the question o f the physical type of the population o f North-west Siberia’, Russ. Anthr. Nos. 3-4, 1916, pp.

On the whole, the Siberian Tatars cannot be compared to the Kaizak with regard to their memory of the tribal and clan past. Katanoff1 found that this lack of tradition seems to characterize all the Turks known as ‘ T atars’. The Kazan Tatars do not have any written or oral record relating to the important fact of the fall of Kazan, under the pressure of Ivan the Terrible, and the Tobolsk Tatars scarcely have any records giving accounts of the Tsar Kuchum and his wars with the Russians. But perhaps the fault rests more with Kuchum’s personality, for it is not so much the events which are important in history as the personality of heroes that inspire the oral tradition.

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The turks of Central Asia in the history and at the present day by Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette

by William

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