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By Juan Tubert-Oklander

ISBN-10: 1782200568

ISBN-13: 9781782200567

This ebook makes an unique contribution to the learn of the psychoanalytic procedure from a relational standpoint, and even as serves as a textbook at the concept of method. It presents a basic exposition of the idea of psychoanalytic perform from a technique viewpoint that emphasizes the analytic dating, the dyadic nature of the psychoanalytic state of affairs, and the influence of unconscious  Read more...

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An exaggerated passivity on the part of the analyst has a certain similarity to the behaviour of the frigid woman, who does not respond, who does not really unite. . [T]his analytic-synthetic understanding can only be achieved if the passive position is joined to an active striving to understand, to a good measure of active identification, and to sufficient energy for struggle against the resistances, not only those of the patient, but also one’s own. (pp. 29–30) In other words, the analyst must relate to the patient with his whole personality, actively identify with her, fight against their shared resistances, work towards understanding whatever emerges during the sessions, and also, of course, communicate his understanding, ideas, THE ANALYTIC ATTITUDE 37 and findings to the patient.

The only point of importance in any session is the unknown. Nothing must be allowed to distract from intuiting that” (Bion, 1967, p. 272) Of course, such a view is in sharp contrast with the conventional way of understanding psychoanalysis, which sees it as a therapeutic intervention, orientated by previously established knowledge. From this perspective, the psychoanalytic treatment is a clinical application of psychoanalytic theory, and not a part of the process of the construction of such theory.

Perhaps the patient is not trained to identify and understand the impact that the analyst’s unconscious has on her own unconscious, and therefore cannot put it into words; she might even misinterpret in terms of the transference what is actually happening, but this does not mean that she is not receiving—and suffering—its consequences. In such a situation, the analyst should help the patient, by means of interpretations, questions, or other communications, to make conscious the unconscious—in this case, her unconscious perception of the analyst’s unconscious—and this implies a much greater personal commitment by the analyst than what is usually considered desirable in terms of the established version of the psychoanalytic treatment.

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Theory of psychoanalytical practice : a relational process approach by Juan Tubert-Oklander

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