By Corneliu C. Simuţ (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0230113141
ISBN-13: 9780230113145
ISBN-10: 1349290025
ISBN-13: 9781349290024
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If and when ordinary believers understand that they make up the church, which is the salt of the earth, they will automatically realize that it is absolutely necessary for them to be the salt of the earth. 34 Bria knows for a fact that the Orthodox Church has been frequently accused of being very shallow in terms of missions, but such a realization—namely, that all believers should become missionaries and preachers—will rapidly exempt Orthodoxy from this particular accusation. This should also lead to a reorganization of parishes both throughout the countryside and within cities.
In other words, church discipline should be exercised not only individually with reference to all the members of the church as individual persons but also specifically when it comes to the restoration of a certain member of the clergy. Calvin is convinced that the dichotomy of church discipline, which says there is a common discipline for all believers and a peculiar discipline for the clergy, is nothing but a sign of normality, even with reference to the world. Thus, he explains that discipline cannot be understood without comprehending the very nature of society.
8 As peculiar as it may sound, Bria’s call for a reformation of the Orthodox church’s perspective on its own theology and development gives us the first feature of traditional theology as it surfaces from his works: while constantly aware of the rectitude of its doctrinal tradition, traditional theology must be open to contemporary realities in order to be able to address the issues that trouble the people living in a certain historical context. In doing so, traditional theology must be permanently willing to reform itself in order to face the challenges of contemporary times.
Traditionalism and Radicalism in the History of Christian Thought by Corneliu C. Simuţ (auth.)
by Charles