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Out of the anger that he feels over the fact that some of the ʻvery best studentsʼ today are falling prey to such thinking, Kitching fulminates against a humanities culture that has been ʻterrorised by philosophyʼ, a terrorism that has prevented it from doing the decent empirical work, statistical research and outward-looking writing which would bring intellectuals in our time back ʻin the worldʼ. What they need to do, and what philosophy prevents, is seriously to respond to ʻa desperate desire for at least some guidance or ideasʼ on what is to be done about ʻmaterial issuesʼ today.

It is, after all, a curious art historian who takes so little interest in colour and, for Foucault, Velasquezʼs Las Meninas and Manetʼs paintings appear to be mono- chrome. The main interest of Foucaultʼs lecture is the hesitation between a Greenbergian emphasis on the flatness and two-dimensionality of the canvases, and a phenomenological approach to ʻpainting as eventʼ that obviously owes a lot to Merleau-Pontyʼs late work on visibility and invisibility. The landscape changed dramatically in 1994 when the four volumes of Dits et écrits were published by Gallimard.

For that matter, Césaire is often invoked along with Fanon and Cabral, although he does not belong at all to the same generation or struggle (and Césaire was never an ʻanticolonial nationalistʼ as claimed here). The use of Fanon and Césaire is frequently decontextualized, despite the fact that all authors insist on the importance of context. Some of the contributors would benefit from following Brennanʼs precept of respecting filiation and genealogy. Coronilʼs essay is very suggestive. He looks at the reception of postcolonial theory in Latin America and the debate that followed.

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Radical Philosophy #130 by Radical Philosophy

by Ronald

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