By K. Bajer, H.K. Moffatt
ISBN-10: 1402009801
ISBN-13: 9781402009808
Glossy experiments and numerical simulations exhibit that the long-known coherent constructions in turbulence take the shape of elongated vortex tubes and vortex sheets. The evolution of vortex tubes may end up in spiral constructions which are linked to the spectral strength legislation of turbulence. The mutual stretching of skewed vortex tubes, after they are with regards to one another, explanations speedy progress of vorticity. no matter if this method could or would possibly not bring about a finite-time singularity is likely one of the recognized open difficulties of fluid dynamics. This publication comprises the court cases of the NATO ARW and IUTAM Symposium held in Zakopane, Poland, 2-7 September 2001. The papers awarded, rigorously reviewed by way of the foreign medical Committee, hide a number of elements of the dynamics of vortex tubes and sheets and in their analogues in magnetohydrodynamics and in quantum turbulence. The publication can be an invaluable reference for all researchers and scholars of contemporary fluid dynamics.
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Compression) while azimuthal vorticity is reduced (resp. enhanced). This dynamical exchange between vorticity components makes these solutions better candidates for vortex filament models. Note that quantity might a priori follow any time dependence. e. it is linked to the dynamics of distant vortices. Such an explicit relation is not considered here. However, we expect quantity to fluctuate with a characteristic time larger than the vortex turnover time. 3. Three-dimensional stability equations.
At large times the radial D profile has a local maximum at finite radius, although This is again in agreement with the asymptotic results of Moffatt et al. (1994) for Figure 3 shows the evolution of the vortex core separation, as defined in the inset. All curves intercept the axis at For initially decreases, and then oscillates as the cores begin to merge. For the and axes are aligned with the axes of maximum stretching and contracting strain rates respectively. Here the cores are initially pushed together, as they are aligned with the axis.
1985 Growth of a diffusion flame in the field of a vortex. In Recent Advances in the Aerospace Sciences. Ed. C. Casci. Plenum 1985. MOORE, D. W. 1985 The interaction of a diffusing vortex and an aligned shear flow. Proc. R. Soc. Land. A 399, 367–375. PEARSON, C. F. & ABERNATHY, F. H. 1984 Evolution of the flow field associated with a streamwise diffusing vortex. J. Fluid Mech. 146, 271–283. RHINES, P. B. & YOUNG, W. R. 1983 How rapidly is a passive scalar mixed within closed streamlines? J. Fluid Mech.
Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications) by K. Bajer, H.K. Moffatt
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