By Douglas Porch
Wars of Empire
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However, in 1881, Prime Minister Jules Ferry launched a campaign to seize Tunisia. The political protests that erupted in a country which, Ferry recognized, was disgusted by the imperial adventures of Napoleon III, threw him out of office. His successor, Charles de Freycinet, lost his French Prime Minister Ferry receives the governors of the French colonies. Although one of the Third Republic~s most accomplished politicians~ he was hounded out of office in 1885 after a minor colonial defeat. 43 WARS OF EMPIRE portfolio when he merely suggested that France might participate with Britain in the suppression of the Egyptian revolt of 1882.
In New England, however, agricultural and artisan pursuits allowed scarce time to acquire hunting and marksmanship skills equivalent to those of the Amerindians. Nor was there any need to learn, as Amerindians proved more than willing to earn extra cash by selling venison and turkey to settlers, or by shooting wolves who preyed on livestock. Archaeological excavations suggest that hunting game other than birds was infrequent, at least in the New England colonies. So while Amerindians were quick to adopt the flintlock musket, the persistence among Europeans in North America of the matchlock, inferior to the bow and arrow for hunting but adequate for the volley-firing drills of village militias, disadvantaged the new arrivals well into the seventeenth century.
Americans in the Seminole Wars found artillery effective as a means of softening up Amerindian villages as a prelude to a bayonet attack - if they could find the villages! In open warfare, the thick, jungle-like foliage of central Florida simply absorbed the shot of light mountain guns. The difficulties of manhandling artillery through remote Caucasus passes was such that, in 1845, General Vorontsov was forced to destroy his guns when most of his artillery horses had died. The only guns he kept were light field and mountain guns, developed especially for use in the Caucasus and introduced in 1842.
Wars of Empire (Cassell History of Warfare) by Douglas Porch
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