By Bruse J
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Baptist Courier (Greenville, South Carolina), June 8, r893, p. 2. 2; June 22, r893, p. I. 66 More evidence of the persistence of sectionalism in the 1890's appeared in a review of A History of the United States by President Elisha Benjamin Andrews of Brown University. " The review was principally an argument for the supremacy of Southern statesmen. Between 1789 and 1861, Hart said, the South had furnished the vast majority of presidents, supreme court justices, and other public figures. These facts, to a candid mind, prove a remarkable ascendency of Southern public men in our Federal affairs for nigh eighty years.
51 Although the events of the Reconstruction Era resulted in the reestablishment of political unity, reunion of the country in sentiment by no means followed. Baptists of both sections probably could have contributed substantially to the restoration of sectional good will by reuniting their severed denomination, but relatively few Baptists of the South gave the matter serious consideration. 52 Baptists generally preferred to maintain their own Southern organizations. For a number of years after the war, many were reluctant even to exchange "correspondence" with Northern Baptists.
It is the millennium of rogues and swindlers. Wealth is a sign of rascality. The honest remain poor, whilst the unprincipled and vicious are clad in purple and fine linen. . " 43 Baptists boldly encouraged Democrats in their efforts to overthrow carpetbag rule in r874. The editor of the Virginia Baptist weekly admitted that his paper was not a political journal, but he declared that it would be "unpardonable" if he did not comment on Democratic successes in various Southern states. " 44 Baptists eagerly anticipated the election of r876 with the expectation of Democratic victory.
The vickers F V 27 vimy by Bruse J
by Kevin