New PDF release: Why the Boers Lost the War

By Leopold Scholtz (auth.)

ISBN-10: 023051331X

ISBN-13: 9780230513310

ISBN-10: 1349525189

ISBN-13: 9781349525188

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43 It was pointed out in the previous chapter that the Cape southern front was very important for both offensive and defensive reasons. It was a logical base for the Boers from where to penetrate rapidly and deeply into the Cape Colony, while it was at the same time also the most logical base for the British from where they would invade the Boer republics. 44 It is, therefore, quite incomprehensible why the Free Staters refused The Boer Offensive 37 to cross the border in the face of these considerations and at the very least to prepare some defensive lines.

Lord Methuen was tasked to relieve Kimberley, whilst Buller personally travelled to Natal to liberate Ladysmith. Buller, however, did not completely abandon his original war plan. 2 It is well known how Buller’s plans failed. These plans gave rise to some of the most ferocious and bloody battles ever seen in South African military history. Basically the British operations and tactics consisted of wave upon wave of full-frontal assaults which reflected little or no military insight or imagination.

In fact they were very loyal to Queen Victoria, against whom they were now forced to rebel. H. Snyman, who studied the conditions of the Afrikaners in the Cape Colony during the Anglo-Boer War, wrote: ‘It is clear from the above that the Transvalers and Free Staters did not care much for the feelings of their Cape neighbours. P. 37 Nevertheless, this smacks of bending the truth somewhat. Cases of enforced conscription also occurred in the north western Cape Colony. 38 Even taking into account this periodical’s well-known stance against the Boer republics, these stories nevertheless reflect negatively on the Boer actions.

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Why the Boers Lost the War by Leopold Scholtz (auth.)

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