Download PDF by Marion Wallace: A History of Namibia: From the Beginning to 1990

By Marion Wallace

ISBN-10: 0231701942

ISBN-13: 9780231701945

Namibia received its independence in 1990 after a long time of fight opposed to South African rule. sooner than its battles with South Africa, the rustic spent years in the grip of German colonialism. during this publication, the 1st basic background of Namibia to be released in additional than twenty years, a celebrated historian and a popular archaeologist offer clean viewpoint on those occasions, in addition to a close account of the country's precolonial period.The quantity starts off with an soaking up background of Namibia from earliest occasions to the coming of German colonialism within the 19th century. Drawing on resources in English and German, the authors discover trajectories of migration, creation, and gear within the precolonial interval, adjustments prompted by means of eu enlargement, and the dynamics of formal colonialism. They relate the complete event of German rule, together with the genocide of 1904-1908, the wars of significant and southern Namibia, and the destiny of defeated Africans who have been imprisoned in focus camps. ultimate chapters speak about African nationalism, apartheid, and conflict among 1946 and 1990, and the advance of Namibia within the 20 years in view that independence. a useful creation and source, this quantity reasserts Namibia's the most important position within the historical past of southern Africa and, with its wealthy perception and wide bibliography, furthers accountable examine at the kingdom and the continent.

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A History of Namibia: From the Beginning to 1990 by Marion Wallace

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