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By Rob Staeger

ISBN-10: 1422200868

ISBN-13: 9781422200865

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Increased oil production has helped the country’s economy expand by 12 percent in 2004 and 19 percent in 2005. Despite this, poverty remains a widespread problem, with an estimated 70 percent of the population earning less than one dollar a day. 45 46 Angola Oil Drilling The petroleum sector is the most important part of Angola’s economy, contributing more than half of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The Angolan government relies on profits from petroleum for 75 percent of its funding.

They can also be associated with weather like rain or wind. Ancestral spirits are said to be family members who watch over the affairs of their bloodline. Africans try to honor both types of spirits with rituals, in hopes that the spirits will bring good fortune. Spirits are not the only sources of magic in the traditional belief system. Some people are said to be able to tap into the magic of the spirit world. Witches and sorcerers use their powers to make others sick or unlucky, while The People of Angola kimbandas (diviners), who are said to be able to communicate with the spirits, use their powers to help others and are often familiar with herbal remedies.

Angola became a full member of the oil cartel in January 2007. Mining in Angola Angola is also known for its mineral resources, particularly diamonds. The Catoca mine in the Lunda Sul province is the world’s fourth-largest kimberlite diamond mine. In 2006 it extracted more than 4 million carats, worth over $400 million, and employed 1,400 Angolans. New mines opened in 2007 should increase Angola’s total diamond production to 10 million carats by 2008. Before the civil war Angola was the world’s fourth-largest diamond supplier.

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Angola by Rob Staeger

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