By Frances Amelia Yates
ISBN-10: 0744800250
ISBN-13: 9780744800258
This booklet examines the pictures and symbolism of eu monarchy within the sixteenth century. The accession of Charles V, together with his big dominions in either the outdated and new worlds, was once the celebration for a renewal of the parable of Empire within the West. The topic used to be echoed within the pageants and ballets of the declining Valois dynasty in France and, particularly, within the glorification of Elizabeth I. This publication makes an attempt to light up reader's figuring out of the Renaissance monarchies as they struggled with the darkish undertow of reformation and counter-reformation.
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Extra info for Astraea: The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century
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It is to Virgil that she owes her greatest fame. Together with the Cumaean Sybil, the virgin o f the golden age stands at the beginning o f the famous Fourth Eclogue. Virgil prophesies that the golden age is about to begin anew. It is even now returning as he writes; now comes back the virgin, now returns the rdgn o f Saturn:12 3 lam redit et virgo, redeunt Satumia regna. Those are words which have never been forgotten in the history o f the West. A child is about to be bom, continues the poet-vates, ‘beneath whom the iron brood shall first begin to fail and the golden age to arise in all the world’.
P. 10. 1 Nevertheless, by taking Roman history, whether republican or imperial, as die store-house whence he draws empirical observations for the guidance o f the modem politicians’ w ork for Italy, he implies that Italian history is Roman history, with its universal implications. And there is embedded in Machiavelli’s thought a survival o f die old cyclic views, for he believes in an organic process o f rise and decline in the life o f states, and that their renovation consists in a return to a pristine virtb.
54-5, in Harington’s English translation. * G. Ruscelli, Le impress illustri, Venice, 1572, p. 20. O n the devicJe o f Charles V , see Marcel Bataillon, ‘Plus Oultre: La cour d& ouvre le nouveau monde*, in Fites et cirimonies au temps de Charles Quint, ed. Jean Jacquot, Centre National de la Recherche Sdendfique, Paris, 1960, pp. 13-27; Earl Rosenthal, "Plus ultra, Non plus ultra, and the columnar device o f the Emperor Charles V*, Journal o f the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, X X X T V (1971), pp.
Astraea: The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century by Frances Amelia Yates
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