By Gyula Moravcsik
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The fields where sheep are bred are overgrown with fine grass and are agreeable to the sight, the pastures of the meadows and the marshes are rich, the luxurient fields sodden with dew and the marshy tracts are endless. They pay no tribute to any ruler of the world; they have ever been unrestrained and obstinate. They are more numerous than the leaves of grass in the field, and their arms are strong in fighting. They all wear heavy armour, have spear and cuirass; . . * Their horses are fiery, thorough bred, and both wild and brave in war.
The latter was insulted and the Hungarian king — her relation - answered the insult with a military expedition. It is quite clear that this version of the origins of the political confHct must be taken for a Hungarian attempt to justify a war that was necessitated by conflicting interests, both economic and political. From the fact that the Byzantine court granted poUtical asylum for Hungarian refugees one can conclude that Byzantium had a mind to interfere in the internal affairs of Hungary as early as the reign of Joannes Comnenus.
8). She bore eight children to her husband, among them the future emperor Manuel. PiroskaIrene died in 1134. e. “stranger”), apparently referring to her foreign birth. Her memory was celebrated in numerous contemporary Byzantine sources, for she was the founder of the Pantocrator monastery, one of the most magnificent among all such institutions in medieval Constantinople, as well as of the churches, the hospital, and the alms-house belonging to it. The author of the poem written for the inauguration of the main church of the monastery (see Pig.
Byzantium and the Magyars by Gyula Moravcsik
by Michael