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By Thomas Schlüter

ISBN-10: 354029144X

ISBN-13: 9783540291442

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Extra info for Geological atlas of Africa with notes on stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and geosites of each country ; with a CD-ROM

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The eastern boundary of the West African Craton is defined by the Pan-African Trans-Saharan Belt, which has been interpreted as a collision belt formed during a Wilson cycle. N-S trending geological domains predominate in the Tuareg Shield of central southern Algeria. High-grade Archean terranes occur for instance in the In Ouzzal-Iforas part of the Western Tuareg Shield, and possibly in the OumelalenTemasent area of the Eastern Tuareg Shield of the Hoggar (Ahaggar) mountains. The In Ouzzal-Iforas domain is a narrow elongate submeridional block occupying the full width of the Tanezrouft-Adrar zone and thinning towards the Mali-Algerian border and then re-appearing in a westerly displaced block, which widens to the south through the Adrar des Iforas area.

The highly fractured Zibane zone is the narrowest part of the Algerian Atlas. The sedimentary sequences of the Tellian chain in northern Algeria, which is part of the almost circumwestern-Mediterranean Alpine chain, were deposited on a Hercynian or locally older basement, that makes up a significant part of the internal zones of the chain. This basement crops out in northern Algeria in the Greater and Lesser Kabylia massifs. It is in the former mainly composed of gneisses, schists and a sedimentary sequence, which has been dated as Lower Paleozoic because of very weak metamorphism.

There are several phosphate deposits in the southeast of Burkina Faso, concentrated in the Pendjari Series of sedimentary rocks. Reserves are believed to be in the order of 30Mt of ore. 5 Geohazards An inventory has not yet been made. 6 Geosites An inventory has not yet been made. 7 References Bard, J. P. - C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris D 278, 2609-2611; Paris. Bessoles, B. (1977): Géologie de lʻAfrique. - Mém. Bur. Rech. Géol. Min. Paris 88, 402-479; Paris. , Milesi, J. P. & Itard, Y. - 20th Colloquium African Geology, Abstr.

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Geological atlas of Africa with notes on stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and geosites of each country ; with a CD-ROM by Thomas Schlüter

by Robert

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