By Mana Tanaka
ISBN-10: 0080442684
ISBN-13: 9780080442686
Content material:
, Page v, Masataka Tanaka
Symposium Chair
, Page vii
International Organizing Committee
, Page vii
International clinical Committee
, Page vii
Local Organizing Committee
, Page viii
Application of the right kind orthogonal decomposition in regular kingdom inverse problems
, Pages 3-12, Ryszard A. Biaŀecki, Alain J. Kassab, Ziemowit Ostrowski
Estimation of thermophysical houses of a drying physique at excessive mass move Biot number
, Pages 13-20, G.H. Kanevce, L.P. Kanevce, G.S. Dulikravich
Boundary and geometry inverse thermal difficulties in non-stop casting
, Pages 21-31, I. Nowak, A.J. Nowak, L.C. Wrobel
Boundary worth identity research within the unsteady warmth conduction problem
, Pages 33-41, I. Gushiken, N. Tosaka
A hyper pace boundary element-based inverse convolution scheme for answer of IHCP
, Pages 43-52, A. Behbahaninia, F. Kowsary
Numerical process for backward warmth conduction difficulties utilizing an arbitrary-order finite distinction method
, Pages 53-62, Kentaro Iijima
Analysis of inverse temporary thermoelasticity difficulties by means of filtration methods
, Pages 65-74, Masataka Tanaka, Artur Guzik
Estimation of unknown boundary values from internal displacement and pressure measurements and regularization utilizing rank aid method
, Pages 75-83, Shiro Kubo, Hirokazu Nambu
Modal measurements utilizing pressure sensors and alertness to affect strength identification
, Pages 85-94, N. Kawabata, H. Hayata, N. Hu, H. Fukunaga
Material coefficients identity of bone tissues utilizing evolutionary algorithms
, Pages 95-101, A. John, W. Kuś, P. Orantek
Estimation of fabric houses on tactile heat of wooden through human's hand
, Pages 103-110, Y. Obata, okay. Takeuchi, M. Kawazoe, ok. Kanayama
Inverse research process for id of neighborhood elastic homes by utilizing displacement data
, Pages 111-119, Muneo Hori, Kenji Oguni
Determination of the mass density of the layer deposited at the floor of the resonator in QCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance)
, Pages 121-126, Naoto Wakatsuki, Shin Wada, Yukio Kagawa, Masanori Haba
Identifications of resource distributions utilizing BEM with twin reciprocity method
, Pages 127-135, Toshiro Matsumoto, Masataka Tanaka, Tomoki Tsukamoto
Numerical resource identity for Poisson equation
, Pages 137-145, Takemi Shigeta, Yiu-Chung Hon
A human-like optimization technique for limited parametric design
, Pages 147-156, Tomonari Furukawa, Shinobu Yoshimura, Yasunari Mimura
Cross-sectional imaging of 3-dimensional flaw from waveforms in a limited dimension surface
, Pages 159-166, ok. Nakahata, ok. Murakami, M. Yamada, M. Kitahara
Computational inverse strategies for crack detection utilizing dynamic responses
, Pages 167-173, X. Han, G.R. Liu
Inverse scattering research for cavities in anisotropic solid
, Pages 175-183, Y. Hara, S. Hirose
Characterization of a number of cracks from eddy present checking out signs via a template matching procedure and inverse analysis
, Pages 185-194, Yoshiaki Nagaya, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Haoyu Huang
Identification of delamination illness in laminated composites by way of passive electrical capability CT method
, Pages 195-203, Daiki Shiozawa, Shiro Kubo, Takahide Sakagami
Damage id research on huge scaled floating offshore constitution version via parametric projection filter
, Pages 205-212, Yoshitsugu Kawakami, Ryuji Endo, Nobuyoshi Tosaka
Corrosion development detection through multi-step genetic algorithm
, Pages 213-219, Kenji Amaya, M Ridha, Shigeru Aoki
Crack identity in a timoshenko beam from frequency switch utilizing genetic algorithm
, Pages 221-228, T. Horibe
Inverse decision of smelter wall erosion shapes utilizing a Fourier sequence method
, Pages 231-240, D.P. Baker, G.S. Dulikravich, T.J. Martin, B.H. Dennis
An effective singular superposition strategy for hollow space detection and form optimization
, Pages 241-250, E. Divo, A.J. Kassab, F. Rodriguez
Detection of subsurface cavities and inclusions utilizing genetic algorithms
, Pages 251-260, N.S. Mera, L. Elliott, D.B. Ingham
A distant sensing approach to flooring mines utilizing time distinction IR images
, Pages 261-270, Katsumi Wasaki, Nobuhiro Shimoi, Yoshihiro Takita
A CRE version updating procedure in structural dynamics with doubtful measurements
, Pages 273-282, Arnaud Deraemaeker, Pierre Ladevèze
Conjugate Gradient and L-curve like tools for big inverse problem
, Pages 283-293, Fergyanto E Gunawan, Hiroomi Homma
Modeling and identity in a dynamic viscoelastic touch challenge with common damped reaction and friction
, Pages 295-304, S. Migórski
Solving equationless difficulties in elasticity utilizing in simple terms boundary data
, Pages 305-314, J.T. Katsikadelis
Incremental strategy for inverse research of 3D photoelasticity
, Pages 315-321, Wijerathne M.L.L., Kenji Oguni, Muneo Hori
Inverse tension research of pinned connections utilizing pressure gages and ethereal tension function
, Pages 323-332, B.E. Foust, R.E. Rowlands
Considerations on multidimensional consolidation inverse analysis
, Pages 333-342, S. Nishimura, A. Murakami, Y. Murayama
Optimum grain dimension in response to a grain pullout version of polycrystalline alumina
, Pages 343-351, J. Ohgi, M.T. Kokaly, A.S. Kobayashi, K.W. White
Adjoint approach for the matter of coefficient id in linear elastic wave equation
, Pages 353-360, Kenji Shirota
Finding optimum shapes of the sound-insulating wall through BEM and mobile automata
, Pages 363-373, Masataka Tanaka, Toshiro Matsumoto, Yuri Arai
Identification of speech resource wave via inverse-filtering of vocal tract move characteristics
, Pages 375-382, Kazuo Tsutsumi, Yukio Kagawa
A magnetostatic reconstruction of permeability distribution in material
, Pages 383-388, Hajime Igarashi, Kentaro Ooi, Toshihisa Honma
A use of BEM and NN process to estimate density distribution of plasma
, Pages 389-398, Atsushi Ota, Satoshi Tomioka, Shusuke Nisiyama, Takeaki Enoto
Solution to form optimization challenge of viscous stream fields contemplating convection term
, Pages 401-408, Eiji Katamine, Tomoyuki Tsubata, Hideyuki Azegami
Application of inverse layout option to estimation of wind tunnel models
, Pages 409-417, Shinkyu Jeong, Ryo Takaki, Kazuomi Yamamoto
Implementation of the boundary stipulations for cascade airfoil form layout utilizing the discretized Navier-Stokes equations
, Pages 419-425, Y. Horibata
A learn to estimate keep watch over floor deflections from flight data
, Pages 427-434, Y. Koyama, F. Imado
Linear ill-posed difficulties on units of features convex alongside all strains parallel to coordinate axes
, Pages 437-446, Valery Titatenko, Anatoly Yagola
Optimizational strategy for fixing Ill-posed boundary worth difficulties for elliptic and hyperbolic equations
, Pages 447-456, Sergey I. Kabanikhin, Maktagali A. Bektemesov, Dmitrii V. Nechaev
Regularization parameters identifying for discrete ill-posed problems
, Pages 457-464, Teresa Regińska
Error estimation of the reconstruction of symmetry speed profiles utilizing Abel sort quintessential equation
, Pages 465-474, N.N. Nikolaeva, M.N. Rychagov, A.G. Yagola
A priori details in picture reconstruction
, Pages 477-483, A. Yagola, B. Artamonov, V. Belokurov, E. Koptelova, M. Sazhin, E. Shimanovskaya
Boundary aspect answer for the Cauchy challenge linked to the Helmholtz equation via the Tikhonov regularisation method
, Pages 485-494, L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen
Large molecular structures: Computational modeling of geometry, strength box parameters and intermolecular strength on a base of good numerical methods
, Pages 495-502, I. Kochikov, N. Anikeeva, G. Kuramshina, A. Yagola
Comparative research of boundary keep watch over and Gel'fand-Levitan tools of fixing inverse acoustic problem
, Pages 503-512, Sergey I. Kabanikhin, Maxim A. Shishlenin
3D vector tomography reconstruction through sequence growth method
, Pages 513-520, Alexander L. Balandin, Akira Kaneko
Tomographic reconstruction of the vector fields by means of Doppler spectroscopy measurements
, Pages 521-529, Alexander L. Balandin, Yasushi Ono
Author Index
, Pages 531-532
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Additional info for Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics IV. International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2003 (ISIP 2003) Nagano, Japan
Sample text
Behbahaninia and F. Kowsary along with sequential estimation may be used to improve the adverse effects caused by instabilities. Figure(4) compares the spatial distribution of estimated and exact heat fluxes. The results present fairly accurate estimation. The computational time required by the SFSM and the TMM methods are compared in Table1. Results show a clear improvement in the efficiency of the TMM. The advantage becomes even more noticeable when the number of the future data r increases as the computational time for the SFSM method increases considerably, while the increase in the computational time of the TMM method is observed.
By using {yo^y\^"'^yk} ^^^ ^k/k is the estimation error covariance matrix of z^/^. In many cases where we apply the dynamic system theory to identification problem of distributed-parameter systems, we assume that the state vector to be identified can be satisfied the following state equation: ^k+i iTk 03) The above state equation expresses a stationary condition that the parameters to be identified should be kept constant in time. Thus, the state transition matrix F^ reduces to a unit matrix I and the system noise W;^ is not included.
The Kalman and matrices projection filtering algorithms can be constructed with the recursive procedure based on the Wiener filter and projection filter, respectively, as follows: Filtering equation: ''^k+Mk -^k^k/k ^k/k = Zyt/yt-1 +^k(yk W -^k^kik-\) (5) Boundary value identification analysis 35 Filter gain for Kalman filter algorithm: B^ = R , i / t - i M [ ( M i R , / , . t=F,R,/,F[+D,S,D[ R^/^ = R ) t M - i - R ) t / ) t - i M [ B [ - B , M , R , / , _ i + B , ( M , R , / , _ i M [ + Q , ) B [ (10) (11) Initial values: zoM=Zo , Ro/_i=Ro (12) where z^/^ denotes the estimation of z^j.
Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics IV. International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2003 (ISIP 2003) Nagano, Japan by Mana Tanaka
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