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By Rachel Carson

ISBN-10: 0807095443

ISBN-13: 9780807095447

Whilst Rachel Carson died of melanoma in 1964, her 4 books, together with the environmental vintage Silent Spring, had made her some of the most well-known humans in the USA. This trove of formerly uncollected writings is a necessary addition to our wisdom of Rachel Carson, her affinity with the wildlife, and her lifestyles.

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F r o m there, follow a dirt r o a d s t r a i g h t a c r o s s a n X-shap intersection 2 0 0 y a r d s t o w a r d G r a y B u t t e t o find a trail crossing. 4 m i l e s b a c k t o G r a y B u t t e Saddle, a n d ] t h e n c o n t i n u e o n t h e trail to B u r m a R o a d a n d y o u r starting point. 5 miles round trip 160 feet elevation gain Easy (to Dry River channel) 3 miles round trip 60 feet elevation gain The b a d l a n d s just east of Bend a r e a lonely desert labyrinth of jumbled r o c k a n d s a n d y openings.

Start by driving 1 6 m i l e s east of B e n d on H i g h w a y 2 0 t o w a r d B u m s . 086'). F r o m the right-hand e d g e of the p a r k i n g a r e a , w a l k p a s t s o m e b o u l d e r s 3 0 feet t o a fork in the trail. T o the left is the r e t u m r o u t e of the optional loop. S o t u m right o n a n ancient s a n d y r o a d b e d that v e e r s n e a r the h i g h w a y before h e a d i n g n o r t h . T h e desert h e r e is d o m i n a t e d by s a g e b m s h a n d g n a r l e d , 20-foot juniper trees that c a n b e t h o u s a n d s of y e a r s old.

A nice c a m p s i t e is n e a r b y . If y o u ' r e h e a d e d for T w i n Pillars, k e e p left o n the T w i n Pillars Trail. 6 miles. N o w w a t c h for a steep side tiail t o the right with a sign for T w i n Pillars. If y o u k e e p t o the right o n this s c r a m b l y side path 3 0 0 y a r d s you'll r e a c h a v i e w p o i n t at the base of T w i n Pillars. Brightly c o l o r e d lichens e n c r u s t the l a v a t o w e r s . T h e v i e w a c r o s s Mill C r e e k ' s forests e x t e n d s to s n o w y Mt.

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Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson by Rachel Carson

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