By D.L. Dwoyer, M.Y. Hussaini
ISBN-10: 038796472X
ISBN-13: 9780387964720
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Tor,(the 'stopping distance') relative to the fluid before its motion relative to the fluid stops. 55) can also be shown to be valid for a particle injected at velocity U0 into a stationary fluid, instead of a stationary particle injected into a region with fluid velocity U0. Now, the 'stopping (or starting) distance' Xstor, is defined as the separation that will occur at t - oo between the particle and the element of fluid that the particle started out with, as shown in Fig. 5. Thus, letting t ~ ~ in Eq.
M M A D . For particles with densities equal to water, the two are the same of course. 5 Deposition of inhaled pharmaceutical aerosols in the mouth and throat is usually considered a waste of drug if the lung is the target region for the inhaled aerosol. One unorthodox suggestion for reducing deposition in the mouth and throat is to reduce the Reynolds number in the larynx (and hopefully reduce the amount of turbulent deposition) by having patients inhale the aerosol with a gas called Heli-Ox that has a kinematic viscosity which is several times that of air (Heli-Ox is a mixture of helium and oxygen).
E. noncontinuum effects result in larger settling velocities than predicted with a continuum assumption. 7 pm does the Cunningham slip factor result in a correction to the drag coefficient that is larger than 10%. 5 mg ml-~ salbutamol sulfate with 9 mg m l - i NaCI in water) both with and without the Cunningham slip correction factor. 3. Motion of a Single Aerosol Particle in a Fluid 23 Solution Without the Cunningham slip factor, we use Eq. 17) gd2/18In Vsettling -" Pparticle where the density of the droplet is the same as that of water (the drug and salt have negligible effect on the density).
Stability of time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows by D.L. Dwoyer, M.Y. Hussaini
by Anthony